Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I'm Sorry

to all the people who feel sad/angry/whatever about me quitting dragonboat, i'm sorry.

i had my reasons for quitting. let me state my reasons(though they may seem crap to you, it really means a lot to me)

1. my dragonboat peers are mostly egoistic with the alpha male attitude.
2. my dragonboat peers are mostly chinese speaking and i speak mostly english thus there is a language barrier.
3. i dread going to dragonboat and no longer enjoy the trainings anymore.
4. i quitted dragonboat for myself and nobody.
5. my mom had always been against me being in dragonboat.

i once loved dragonboat, everything about it. the training, the yelling, the guys etc..

it is not that i went for canoe camp and fell out of love with dragonboat.

earlier on, i was already dreading to go for dragonboat trainings, i realised that i was not pushing myself anymore.

my desire to push was gone, i was always at the back of the pack when running, i did the minimum when doing pull ups and gym trainings were merely going through the motion.

and during the training, i often asked myself a question "What am i doing here?" clearly i was not enjoying the trainings anymore.

please respect my decision and allow me to have an opinion.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Defected to the Canoe Side

i did a quiz and i'm him.

i quited dragon boat and defected to the canoe side. reason being, my dragon peers are mostly egoistic and have the alpha male attitude and chinese speaking. thus, even after 3 years in db, i guess i will break off ties with them and history repeats itself.

well, i went for desperate canoeist camp and on the first night, my cheeks ached because i laughed a lot which means i had a lot of fun. then with ethan's and stewart's encouragement, i decided to jump boats literally.

i told wai leong on saturday morning and he helped me to tell oliver to which oliver told me to inform me that i need not go for any more dragon boat trainings.

later i walked passed oliver and he gave me the cold stare. i found it strange because a few days back, he said that he was happy that there were fewer guys so i thought with me quitting, i was doing him a favour.

basically, i started to dread dragon boat trainings. normally, i'll be half an hour early, last week, i was nearly late. moreover, my mom had always been against me being in dragon boat so i decided to row the boat with 2 paddles. aH-Ha!

i used to love dragon boat trainings but well, the peeps there aren't exactly my kind and i'm clearly not their kind whenever i talk to anyone, normally they'll just answer my question, thats it. so well, what the heck.

when will Cr4Pp!e be back?

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Geeks Can Play Chess By Themselves

tomorrow, i'll be heading for desperate canoeist camp for one day than dragon boat training camp for the next 2 days.

it seems that with each dragon boat training, i ask myself, why did i join dragon boat. i've been more and more reluctant to go for the training. it seems that my motivation to become lean is gone.

frankly speaking, i kinda miss my tummy. haha. walking around rubbing my belly, doing the belly dance too. swinging them fats around and then because i was fat, i was given the right to be lazy. sitting around all day doing nothing.

now that i lost some weight, everyone goes, arh! that one dragon boater can do this, can do that or rather, i'm expected to do those things. i'm expected to be hardworking. gosh. maybe joining dragon boat wasn't such a good idea.

maybe joining the chess club would be better. i still remember before weeks before entering ngee ann, i would play chinese chess with my dad everyday without fail. if he wouldn't play with me, i would play by myself(chess that is).

see, i told you i was a geek. only geeks can play chess by themselves.

Told You It Ain't Easy

the battle with linux is getting more and more difficult each day. i haven't bathed since yesterday. spent the whole day searching for an answer on how to link my laptop(running linux, ubuntu) to my personal computer(running windows xp).

finding an answer is so damn difficult, firstly i don't understand the computer stuff, mounting, using samba and all. secondly, i know i'm looking for something but i don't know what it is. thirdly, my back aches after sitting in front of my laptop for so many hours.

dang. why oh why did i choose to install ubuntu? i had to run spybot and ad-adware every now and then to eliminate the nonsense but everything was working fine.

now with ubuntu, watching video files is also a problem, there is video but no sound. thinking about seth mouthing all the funny stuff without hearing them.

i used to go by this saying, Don't Fix Something That Is Not Broken.

oh yes, i tried to fix it and now it is broken.

told you it ain't easy.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


i installed linux Ubuntu a few days ago. starting up, it was really great, damn fast and it doesn't lag at all.

then came my problems, my video files couldn't be played. i searched in vain on the forum for an answer then i asked genius boy who says download video lan. it works! yippeeeeeeeee! however, when the video is played, no sound can be heard.

now comes the major problem, i can't link my pee cee to my laptop. despite spending the entire day searching for answers. without any music on my lappy, i rather throw it away.

chances are, if i have to continue searching for answers in vain, maybe spybot search and destroy and lavasoft ain't that bad.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Stop Bitching

i'm going to bitch about my elder sister now, so bear with me or get the fuck out.

my elder sister is currently working as a relief teacher(for a primary 4 class) now. just now, she asked me how to deal with naughty kids, being one myself previously, i told her several ways to handle it but it seems that she can't do it because her face is too fucking thick.

me: why not you just shout at the kid to scare him?

sis: cannot la, don't want to make a scene.

anyway, my other methods don't work now, unlike days when teachers use those same methods to torment me. dang, i was afraid of those teachers, reason being, they weren't afraid to yell their heads off when they needed to.

if your so fucking scared to do this and that, then why the fuck are you in that job in the first place? why don't you stay home and read your books and be a hermit?

sis: because i need to money.

i don't know what got into me a few weeks ago, but everytime i hear someone working at a job just for the money, i get pissed because i feel that without passion for your job, YOU WILL NEVER FUCKING SUCCEED!

ok, so your doing it kinda part time since your a relief teacher. then FUCKING stop bitching about the kids. the job is paying you well, why don't you use your bleeding brain to help solve the problems?

your going to graduate from NUS soon, went to njc for the first 3 months but chose not to stay because it is a stressful environment, went to sajc, got 1 A and 2 Bs. surely you can think of ways to combat these asswipes kids. unless, singapore's education system trains one to remember stuff but not think and analyse.

P.S. this is the fastest entry ever, it took me 10 minutes.


The Awakening of Geek Jimbo

later in the morning at about 8am, it will be a time when the jimbo embraces his true calling, that is to be a monk.

nah, just joking, actually, no. not monk but a man that will remain single his whole life since jimbo is a going-to-be a geek.

at 8am later, i will start the big file transfer. backup stuff on my laptop on my pee cee because i'll be reformatting my lappy to use linux. linux is a different kind of operating system better than windows in my opinion.

jerk jer says that the transition to linux is not easy. so most probably, the next few weeks, i'll be spending more time with my lappy, surfing the net about lnux and tech stuff. which means i'm going to be a geek.

and geeks don't get married. oh wait. they do, they marry their pee cees/laptops/macs/ipods. they are living things, if you think about it. sometimes these living things can invoke so much more emotion than a human being can.

off to bed and wake up being a geek.

P.S. I need to pay jer in babes pigs. anyone know where i can get cheap pigs?


Tuesday, September 13, 2005


just now, i saw a bus that is power by natural gas. the first thought that came to my mind was WHAT THE HECK? then the bus moved away, there was very little sound, don't have that irritating sound that buses make when they move away.

i was wondering if the bus' air-condition was good. being in singapore with the bleeding hot weather. sometimes, after chasing the bus, you walk up thinking you can cool down and catch your breath instead, your greeted with more heat and you think your in a sauna.

maybe this is singapore's government ingenious genius method of helping singaporeans slim down. in time to come, maybe the government will promote these buses this way "Slim Down, While Travelling To Work/School/Etc..." then a fare hike adjustment will be in place because running the air-conditioned as heating system needs more money.

anyway, back to the buses that feel like a sauna, after chasing the buses, you board it then after awhile, someone boards it. then you smell something funny and this funny smell doesn't leave until you leave the bus. if your laughing now, please slap yourself. it is strictly un-funny.

yesterday, i entered the life, there was this lady in it(i won't say her race, fearing i will be labelled and being charged in court, click here for the story) her odour was like woah~ i entered the lift at the 16th level, it takes about 40seconds to get all the way down, the lift stopped at 2 levels, totalling the journey to be 1 min.

within that time, i took 2 breaths, 2 full breaths. i counted. each time i took a breath, i prayed that i will not pass out. cause it was the worse odour ever, she makes the guys in dragon boat smell like flowers.


Sunday, September 11, 2005

Big Softie

enough about true jimbo this and true jimbo that. i'm going to blog whatever i want right now. it could be serious, it could be funny. i won't stick to just being jimbo cause it is boring. jimbo is kinda like a one dimensional character.

anyway, the true jimbo, he is a softie and a big one too. i've just watched finished the first episode of season 3 of the BEST SHOW. you guessed it! the O.C.

i nearly teared at the ending. it was just disheartening for me. to watch what i had to see.(no spoilers too bad. click here for them) since young, i get very emotional when things happen be it good or bad. when i cried, i was kinda made fun by my mom and elder sister.

since then, i realised that for a guy to cry or rather as i put it, release forlorn emotions would be "wrong". so i cover things up and i believe i'm pretty good at them. i use humour to cover lots of things up.

many times, inside of me hurts so bad that i wished i was gone but no one knows because i use humour to cover what i'm feeling inside up. call it bad, call it good. one good thing came out of this, i deal with things much easier. i'm my own therapist.

sure, everyone's been through shit but how many can say that they managed to come back up all by themselves? for those who can i salute you, for those who can't God bless you.


Tuesday, September 06, 2005

The True Jimbo

for those people who wondered where i've been, if you haven't guessed it, my exams are coming, starts this friday, ends on next week's wednesday. i'm actually studying and working at it. been doing accounts tutorial questions to get myself prepared. for now, study hard and no blogging.

pray for me.