Thursday, September 15, 2005

The Awakening of Geek Jimbo

later in the morning at about 8am, it will be a time when the jimbo embraces his true calling, that is to be a monk.

nah, just joking, actually, no. not monk but a man that will remain single his whole life since jimbo is a going-to-be a geek.

at 8am later, i will start the big file transfer. backup stuff on my laptop on my pee cee because i'll be reformatting my lappy to use linux. linux is a different kind of operating system better than windows in my opinion.

jerk jer says that the transition to linux is not easy. so most probably, the next few weeks, i'll be spending more time with my lappy, surfing the net about lnux and tech stuff. which means i'm going to be a geek.

and geeks don't get married. oh wait. they do, they marry their pee cees/laptops/macs/ipods. they are living things, if you think about it. sometimes these living things can invoke so much more emotion than a human being can.

off to bed and wake up being a geek.

P.S. I need to pay jer in babes pigs. anyone know where i can get cheap pigs?
