the long awaited post about sports camp is here. with plenty of pictures. go get a cup of tea/milk/whatever you like, kick back and enjoy.
firstly, let me mention that i went to sports camp with enthusiasm, i was relaly excited about it having heard that sports camp was better than FOC camp. sadly, sports camp was a real letdown.

it was started with introductions, that is the banana squad. i was rather puzzled why these guys were introduced one by one.

this was lunch later. looks damn nice right? it is. food was 10 times better than FOC. i was still mantaining a positive attitude towards sports camp.

a group picture after lunch. spot the blob(me).

those are letter boxes for groups and committees. for eg., if a guy likes a girl from another group, he drops a letter to her.

when i took this picture, this was the beginning of feeling bored because of my group and the group leaders. you see the guy in green, when i walked pass him, i said "ar ni kin.(very fast ar)" cause he ran super fast when we played touc rugby. but he ignored me so i thought he did not understand hokkien, when i sat behind him, i said "wah, you run very fast sia." he ignored again. nevermind, chill.
see the 2 girls infront wearing black, those are my group GLs. instead of standing in front of the group like other GLs teaching cheers or whatnot, they decided to adjourned to the side.

see the peeps standing in front, those are GLs teaching cheers and stuff. from here on, it was downhill all the way.

dinner! yum yum. for dinner and lunch, there was dessert for every single meal. there was 1 thing that kept me at the camp, it was the food, i wanted to eat my $20 worth of food. aH-Ha!

the next day, we were supposed to make catapults to fire waterballoons at the GLs.

blue waterballoons to be exact. aH-Ha!

it started out peacefully.

until someone threw the waterballoons using his hands.

squash is a very exciting and interesting game. yes ?


no again. 2 people playing scissors, paper, stone and the loser gets smack on the hand. a few of us were actually crowding around them watching them play. we all know how interesting squash is now.

later we had to play this game where we had to pass the pockey stick with out mouth and there were always idiots who had to bite off some of it making it shorter.

idiots people are in big groups,
stupidity fun occurs.

weeeeeeeeeeee! i had no childhood so i'm having it now.

you guys suck!

you guys suck too!

what are they doing? i have no idea too. aH-Ha!

dinner, food, yum yum. did i mention that i like to eat?

then it was magnum force! woo hoo! GO MAGNUM! Magnum Force! I'm Ready To GO!
actually, before we saw the performance, we were divided into our groups to try out the stunts. i did not try cause i'm too fat to do anything. then an idea struck me.
i walked up to the guy cheerleader who was doing demonstrations to my group and said "You see the girl wearing pink shorts? she has a strong interest towards cheerleading, you might want to ask the cheerleaders over there to get her to participate."

hey! doesn't she look familiar? well, it is
Donate Hui Jiun. clearly she is enjoying herself. Go Hui Jiun!
later that night, i walk down the stairs and i saw one of my GL filling up bottles with some drink, i asked and he told me it was milo. so i happily filled my bottle with milo too. then later i walked to my group and this guy asked me what drink it was, i told him it was milo.
he then scolded me for not telling the group about it. i argued back saying that it was the GL's duty and not mine and we quarreled a bit then he walked away scolding me something which i scolded him back using the same word with fuck behind. he walks back.
we quarrel abit then he pushes me, i walk right back in his face then a GL pushes me away and pulls him away. while he was being brought away, he shouted "NOT HAPPY OUTSIDE SCHOOL TALK! TOILET TALK AR?!" later, after the debrief, i swallowed my pride and even though i'm not in the wrong, i walked up to him and apologise. i decided to make right.
in my heart, i was wondering, what kind of fucked up GLs i had. a fight was about to happen and they did not know about it. then even the one who knew, did not even try to smoothen things out. Na-Beh. i fucking wanted to go home, sick of my group, sick of my GLs, sick of everything.
so i told one of the GLs then he brought me to the camp head telling me not to mention about the "fight" cause the GLs in my group will get in trouble. so i did not. my reason was not valid enough and the camp head made it sound like i was a quitter if i left the camp. so i decided to stay.

this was lunch.
we had dirty games that afternoon, paint and lots of dirty stuff. after bathing, some of them still had paint in their hair.

think national geographic. aH-Ha!

this was dinner, buffet. woot!

dessert. i had 2 servings of food and 3 bowls of dessert. yum yum.

this is my group's flag.

the "campfire"

zhi hao acting like the sissy that he is. aH-Ha!
later, we were sitting at the sports gallery then one of the GLs asked us if we wanted to stay at the sports gallery or move down to the track, some of us said stay at the sports gallery.
then this GL shouted "can your just go down? do us a favour can?"
if you wanted us on the track, just say so. why give options when there are no options in the first place.

if you slept on the last night, this would probably happen to you.

i'm a cheerleader written by hui jiun. told your she wanted to be one.

jerk written by hui jiun too. and i wonder why.
despite knowing the dangers of sleeping, i fell asleep. and woke up to find myself violated.

esther here, got broken heart somemore. yucks! below it also had " Magnum Force I'm Ready To Go!" written by i don't know who.

HT was here , nice hair man. written by hui ting, esther's partner in crime.

this guy wrote a love letter to the girl and they were both brought on stage. hai yo. dangers of camp. most likely to be embarrassed. you can't see their faces because i decided to hide them or rather, the lousy cameraman that i am could not get them.

this was breakfast. finally not bread or biscuits.
then rape squad was rampant. raping the GLs and camp coms.

this guy had his boxers torn and pulled over his head. power of the rape squad. aH-Ha! i had my underwear torn and pulled over my head too.

we played truth or dare and she had to kiss someone's dead feet skin. FEET! yucks!

Rape Squad in action! Rape Squad! Rape Squad! Rape Squad! Rape Squad! what is our motto? No Compromise!

this is just 1/4 of the total underwear and boxers from the victims. by the way, if you want to join rape squad, you need to get your underwear ripped first.
let me tell you how i got "raped" i was giving someone my number when that guy that i nearly fought with taps my shoulder and asks me to join in the hands cheer for rape squad, next thing i know, i'm on the ground and someone is pulling my underwear.
i did not resist since it was for fun anyway. but what irk me was that the guy that lured me went home and did not get his underwear ripped. if you want to do something to others, shouldn't you allow others to do it to you?
frankly speaking, i think that sports camp was fun too bad that my groups was
fucked up not enthu and the GLs were
fucked up not very jovial.