Wednesday, April 13, 2005


alright, went down to BBDC and i passed the Basic Theory Evaluation with full marks! it was so awesome to score full marks. after passing BTE(Basic Theory Evaluation) then can i apply for a provisional driving licence to go for practical lessons.

however, i failedt the Final Theory Evaluaion again, this time 88% again.(the passing mark is 90%, 45 out of 50 questions correct)

i was damn hyped. finally passed BTE, blood was gushing through my veins and fats. then i went down to book theory test only to find out that i can only take it 4/5/2005. fucking pricks. need to wait so long then can take the test.

imagine this, if i register on 31/1(my birdday), then finish the theory shit(evaluations) in the first week of feb, take the theory tests in first week of march. apply for PDL(provisional driving licence) which they say takes immediately to make. start taking practical lessons on the second week of march, taking 2 lessons a day from monday to friday. by end of march would have passed already after taking 30 lessons. then now i would be driving around singapore instead of taking 2 seats in the buses and mrt.

this is what you get for procrastination. i read somewhere about procrastination "Procrastination is like Masturbation, it feels good at first but in the end, Your just fucking yourself."

Reader: Then why didn't you FUCKING DO THAT?!

on the faithful meaningless day(31/1), i was painting my room. i decided for this birdday, i wanted to have a new room. the previous one looked like crap. seriously. will might upload some photos. bought some stuff from my trips to Ikea. not fully done yet cause i'm kinda lazy to do the final adjustments.


just now, my mom asked me to read a book "Dating With Integrity". my immediate reaction was "you just fix me a marriage, i anything one."

look at me mom, just look at me. i'm fat, obese and ugly fugly. who wants to date me? the only way i'll get married is through a fixed marriage.

P.S. Pray that i'll pass the Final Theory Evaluation tomorrow.



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