Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Basketball matches

o-k! went to the gym to work off some fats and lose weight. stepped on the treadmill and ran walked for like 30secs. after that, i was panting and felt like someone was sucking my air away. i hopped all the way to the sofa to sit and catch my breath.

after i managed to catch my breath, i tried to do some weighs. amazingly, i could lift them. the smallest dumbell, smallest barbell and the lightest weigh on the machine. it was all good until this girl lady, lifted heavier than me. i decided to take a breather.

to my surprise, there were "A" boys basketball matches, Mellenia Institute(MI) against Inouva JC(IJC) and Raffles JC(RJC) against Temasek JC(TJC).

MI showed great resilience and character to overcome IJC. in the first quater, IJC went up by 10 points but MI showed that they ain't quitters. they defended well and managed to score the win.

RJC got thrashed/whipped/annihilated by TJC. TJC won by 10 to 20points. RJC totally lost it, they did not put their heart to it. lost the will and desire to win. simply slackers. well, i guess when your in RJC, it doesn't matter whether you win or not since your already in a top JC. good luck in life.

next up were "A" girls matches, Pioneer JC(PJC) against Nan Yang JC(NYJC) and National JC(NJC) against Anglo-Chinese JC(ACJC).

PJC lost by 6 points to NYJC. NYJC no.4 is the key player. too bad she wasn't brought down.

in the battle of the snobs, intellectual snobs(NJC) won rich snobs(ACJC). who cares how they won?

then it was "A" boys matches again, Pioneer JC(PJC) against Tampiness JC(TJC) and Hwa Chong JC(HCJC) against Anglo-Chinese JC(ACJC)

PJC won TJC. no comments.

HCJC won ACJC 59-26. by 33 points. 33, for oreos and milk's sake, 33. despite the many "GO AC!" cheers, ACJC lost and the chants sounded more like "GO HC!" anyway, these ACJC students can fuck their lives away, their parents got enough money for them to fuck away.

how to distinguish an ACJC crowd?

1. there will be an AC flag.
2. they will be standing up.
3. all the guys will be wearing long pants.
4. their standing posture is as though they fucking own the place.

P.S. who cares if i spelled IJC wrongly.



Blogger Rach said...

I heart ACJC.

12:46 PM  

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