FOC Camp
o-K! FOC Camp. first and foremost, i thought that FOC Camp was Free of Charge Camp. until 5 days before the camp my elder sister read the letter and told me it was Freshman Orientation Camp. felt like a loser, no wait, i am a loser.
first day, went there on time, waited in the artrium, bleeding warm. why couldn't they air-conditioned the entire place? nevermind, then had to sit on some steps and had to squeeze. for a fat person like me, i need plenty of space. pespired even more. pespiring the whole time.
then we were ushered into our main groups, mine was Eleans. who cares about the other groups?

lots of people right? not all yet.
at least they made us wait in an air-conditioned environment otherwise i take my bags go home.

while waiting for everyone to enter the auditorium, the Group Leaders(GL) decided to entertain us. teaching us claps and cheers. i being the fat anti-social kid wore my ear phones and listened to some gavin degraw.
later we were adjourned to the sports gallery where we sang cheers till lunch. me, being an anti-social jackass, sat right at the back of everyone, refusing to participate in any cheer. it was very warm too. pespire like crazy.
then it was time for lunch, woo hoo! great. food was ok, i gave my chicken wing away. sat with this guy named nick. he said that next meal, he wants to be surrounded by girls so i called him boss and a few others followed suit.
it was more cheering then, anti-social jackass sat at the back again. cheered for hours. hours. this people remind me of childish little children. shout and shout.
then it was some ice breaker games to which i was born. because we played the game where we all held hands and had to straighten ourselves. i jumped into the center and then came out when zhi hao said "A child is born." aH-Ha!
we then were blindfolded and were paired up. i talked to this girl named Jasmine who is the from the same course as me. woo! we were supposed to be mass dance partners until they cancelled the whole thing. damn.
dinner was ok until we were made to keep quiet because something happened. we were told to knock the toilet doors before entering too and go in even numbers.
all these were just to scare us for the night walk later.
the night walk was awesome! it was really fun. not scary but really fun. i enjoyed it a lot. maybe because it was my first time. i was paired up with a girl named Magdalene(don't know the spelling). she kept screaming at the slightest things.
later when we were talking, she asked if i was attached, i said no and she asked why. my answer "Maybe because i'm always falling for the wrong girl."
she: but your such a great guy.
firstly, she is attached and she was speaking from a strictly platonic view. it was real nice to hear someone say that. very very nice to hear. i think it is the first time.
bath was 4 people in 1 cubicle. and the queue was very long.

this photo is taken from the second day, see so many people.

just a few small fences to seperate thehorny adolescent boys from the innocent girls. clearly we can see which sex is more prone to jumping over the fence.

these 3 guys were found sleeping like this the next morning. i just had to take a picture to ridicule them. aH-Ha! by the way, the middle guy breakdanced with me for the skit. (i know i'm fat but i still managed not to disgrace my group)
second day was ok until nick(boss) started calling me sai kang(asshole in hokkien). it pissed me off a lot, reason being, when i take drinks during meal times, i will take for him too. so because i'm doing these sai kang jobs, he started calling me sai kang.
when he called me(sai kang) because he wanted to drink water, i pour the water on the floor and said "yum(drink in cantonese) ar kao(dog in hokkien)" then went to refill more water.
while queueing up, david(from my group) asked whether i can fill for him, i told him to queue with me since it was quite a lot of bottles. later a fren of david asked him to fill for him to which david asked him to join us queueing up. then this guy pointed to me and said "Hey, i know you, can fill for me right?"
Me:(sarcastic laughter) (serious face) i don't know you.
then he pushes my face lightly and walks away. i kick him on the knee lightly, he then turns around and kick me hard on the bum. i then walk/chase after him. he quickens his pace, we walk round a pillar 1 round then i drop the bottles i was carry and shouts at him "Not happy, come lah!"
he stop, i walk right in front of his face and ask "why you slap me?" he"i like cannot ar?" i push his face, he kicks my bum again(this guy got bum fetish sia). i punch his jaw, his specs fly and he turns away, i land 2 more punches on the back of his head when a GL grabs me away from him.

injury from fight. he scratched me.
frankly speaking, if the GL did not grab me away, i will continue punching him until he bled or rather until he was lying on the floor. thankfully, the GL did grab me away. otherwise i would be in deepshit. fighting in ngee ann is explusion according to alfred.
i regretted the fight and all, i've always wanted to be the betterman, the one who would remain calm in the stormest weather. the one who would not use violence, the one who would not fight. i felt really stupid after the fight, he did not deserve it.
later that day, we had station games where some guys and i cheered like crazy. yeah, i cheered. aH-Ha! guess the cheering thing is contagious.
(i'm going to blog only about the important stuff now since time is tight for me now)
third day, we had water games where i was part of the Eleans Swimteam. We came in first, aH-Ha! our team had 2 lifeguards and 1 soon to be lifeguard(me). it was really fun to be part of the "swimteam".
there wasn't lights out that night and there was dancing too. kinda like clubbing. i danced, a little, just a little. only reason why i did was because it was very dark then no one could see who the fat blob was. aH-Ha!
next morning, some woke up to find themselves being drawn on without their consent. i allowed myself to be drawn on. there was this girl that i borrowed the marker from for others then i asked her to draw something on me.
she asked what was my name, i said davio then she said i was supposed to be her dance partner. then i realised that she was jasmine.

she wrote this


we sat there like kids writing on each other. it was fun.
latest, i bloggin half way when my elder sister came home.
me: your exams finished already right ?
she: ya
me: then i leave the laptop in your room, you clear your table by thursday.
some words are exchanged(i forgot) then i extend my hand for her to shake it while saying if you don't tidy your table by thursday, you owe me $50. she gets damn pissed then leaves the room.
i go to my parents to tell them what happened, my mom typically sides my sister. my father says it is mine and i can do what i want.
(here will be just my complaining and a lot of vulgarities, skip if you don't want to read, it is just some stupid wussy shit)
fuck nut. firstly, it was 1 plus in the morning on 2/5 and i was doing the wire and stuff to place the laptop in my sisters' room. she was going to have her exam so i decided to place the laptop there so that she can study better.
i then said on that morning, tidy up your table then i put my laptop there. she mumbles some nonsense then i give in since her exams were coming up so i did not want her to waste her time tidying up her table. with the laptop in her room, i expected that she will stop using the com outside.
instead of transfer the documents from the main com to the laptop which will take at most 10 minutes, she continues to use the main com and subsequently damages it because she left it on for days.
so when i came back, i was met with a com that was not working fine. FUCK! all my o.c. and all shows were on that com. cannot watch any because the com will not even enter windows, read the previous post to find out more.
(now she is trying to take her hp adapter out but the wires are all tangled up and she is acting like a psycho)
fucking treat me like dirt since young. when i started going to the youth service in church, she would chase me away while other elder siblings embraced each other.
this year, got nothing from her for my birthday while she brought my younger sister out for her birthday yet i still tried to be nice to her. did this for her but got slapped in the face. frankly speaking, this year, lots of stuff happened that i feel that being nice is useless yet i still try to be.
when my mom is being bias (especially siding my elder sis), i become so worked up that i don't know what to do that i just break down and cry then this is being seen weak by my family. i know that if i don't cry, i will become violent.
i fight to become stronger but end up being weaker.
first day, went there on time, waited in the artrium, bleeding warm. why couldn't they air-conditioned the entire place? nevermind, then had to sit on some steps and had to squeeze. for a fat person like me, i need plenty of space. pespired even more. pespiring the whole time.
then we were ushered into our main groups, mine was Eleans. who cares about the other groups?

lots of people right? not all yet.
at least they made us wait in an air-conditioned environment otherwise i take my bags go home.

while waiting for everyone to enter the auditorium, the Group Leaders(GL) decided to entertain us. teaching us claps and cheers. i being the fat anti-social kid wore my ear phones and listened to some gavin degraw.
later we were adjourned to the sports gallery where we sang cheers till lunch. me, being an anti-social jackass, sat right at the back of everyone, refusing to participate in any cheer. it was very warm too. pespire like crazy.
then it was time for lunch, woo hoo! great. food was ok, i gave my chicken wing away. sat with this guy named nick. he said that next meal, he wants to be surrounded by girls so i called him boss and a few others followed suit.
it was more cheering then, anti-social jackass sat at the back again. cheered for hours. hours. this people remind me of childish little children. shout and shout.
then it was some ice breaker games to which i was born. because we played the game where we all held hands and had to straighten ourselves. i jumped into the center and then came out when zhi hao said "A child is born." aH-Ha!
we then were blindfolded and were paired up. i talked to this girl named Jasmine who is the from the same course as me. woo! we were supposed to be mass dance partners until they cancelled the whole thing. damn.
dinner was ok until we were made to keep quiet because something happened. we were told to knock the toilet doors before entering too and go in even numbers.
all these were just to scare us for the night walk later.
the night walk was awesome! it was really fun. not scary but really fun. i enjoyed it a lot. maybe because it was my first time. i was paired up with a girl named Magdalene(don't know the spelling). she kept screaming at the slightest things.
later when we were talking, she asked if i was attached, i said no and she asked why. my answer "Maybe because i'm always falling for the wrong girl."
she: but your such a great guy.
firstly, she is attached and she was speaking from a strictly platonic view. it was real nice to hear someone say that. very very nice to hear. i think it is the first time.
bath was 4 people in 1 cubicle. and the queue was very long.

this photo is taken from the second day, see so many people.

just a few small fences to seperate the

these 3 guys were found sleeping like this the next morning. i just had to take a picture to ridicule them. aH-Ha! by the way, the middle guy breakdanced with me for the skit. (i know i'm fat but i still managed not to disgrace my group)
second day was ok until nick(boss) started calling me sai kang(asshole in hokkien). it pissed me off a lot, reason being, when i take drinks during meal times, i will take for him too. so because i'm doing these sai kang jobs, he started calling me sai kang.
when he called me(sai kang) because he wanted to drink water, i pour the water on the floor and said "yum(drink in cantonese) ar kao(dog in hokkien)" then went to refill more water.
while queueing up, david(from my group) asked whether i can fill for him, i told him to queue with me since it was quite a lot of bottles. later a fren of david asked him to fill for him to which david asked him to join us queueing up. then this guy pointed to me and said "Hey, i know you, can fill for me right?"
Me:(sarcastic laughter) (serious face) i don't know you.
then he pushes my face lightly and walks away. i kick him on the knee lightly, he then turns around and kick me hard on the bum. i then walk/chase after him. he quickens his pace, we walk round a pillar 1 round then i drop the bottles i was carry and shouts at him "Not happy, come lah!"
he stop, i walk right in front of his face and ask "why you slap me?" he"i like cannot ar?" i push his face, he kicks my bum again(this guy got bum fetish sia). i punch his jaw, his specs fly and he turns away, i land 2 more punches on the back of his head when a GL grabs me away from him.

injury from fight. he scratched me.
frankly speaking, if the GL did not grab me away, i will continue punching him until he bled or rather until he was lying on the floor. thankfully, the GL did grab me away. otherwise i would be in deepshit. fighting in ngee ann is explusion according to alfred.
i regretted the fight and all, i've always wanted to be the betterman, the one who would remain calm in the stormest weather. the one who would not use violence, the one who would not fight. i felt really stupid after the fight, he did not deserve it.
later that day, we had station games where some guys and i cheered like crazy. yeah, i cheered. aH-Ha! guess the cheering thing is contagious.
(i'm going to blog only about the important stuff now since time is tight for me now)
third day, we had water games where i was part of the Eleans Swimteam. We came in first, aH-Ha! our team had 2 lifeguards and 1 soon to be lifeguard(me). it was really fun to be part of the "swimteam".
there wasn't lights out that night and there was dancing too. kinda like clubbing. i danced, a little, just a little. only reason why i did was because it was very dark then no one could see who the fat blob was. aH-Ha!
next morning, some woke up to find themselves being drawn on without their consent. i allowed myself to be drawn on. there was this girl that i borrowed the marker from for others then i asked her to draw something on me.
she asked what was my name, i said davio then she said i was supposed to be her dance partner. then i realised that she was jasmine.

she wrote this


we sat there like kids writing on each other. it was fun.
latest, i bloggin half way when my elder sister came home.
me: your exams finished already right ?
she: ya
me: then i leave the laptop in your room, you clear your table by thursday.
some words are exchanged(i forgot) then i extend my hand for her to shake it while saying if you don't tidy your table by thursday, you owe me $50. she gets damn pissed then leaves the room.
i go to my parents to tell them what happened, my mom typically sides my sister. my father says it is mine and i can do what i want.
(here will be just my complaining and a lot of vulgarities, skip if you don't want to read, it is just some stupid wussy shit)
fuck nut. firstly, it was 1 plus in the morning on 2/5 and i was doing the wire and stuff to place the laptop in my sisters' room. she was going to have her exam so i decided to place the laptop there so that she can study better.
i then said on that morning, tidy up your table then i put my laptop there. she mumbles some nonsense then i give in since her exams were coming up so i did not want her to waste her time tidying up her table. with the laptop in her room, i expected that she will stop using the com outside.
instead of transfer the documents from the main com to the laptop which will take at most 10 minutes, she continues to use the main com and subsequently damages it because she left it on for days.
so when i came back, i was met with a com that was not working fine. FUCK! all my o.c. and all shows were on that com. cannot watch any because the com will not even enter windows, read the previous post to find out more.
(now she is trying to take her hp adapter out but the wires are all tangled up and she is acting like a psycho)
fucking treat me like dirt since young. when i started going to the youth service in church, she would chase me away while other elder siblings embraced each other.
this year, got nothing from her for my birthday while she brought my younger sister out for her birthday yet i still tried to be nice to her. did this for her but got slapped in the face. frankly speaking, this year, lots of stuff happened that i feel that being nice is useless yet i still try to be.
when my mom is being bias (especially siding my elder sis), i become so worked up that i don't know what to do that i just break down and cry then this is being seen weak by my family. i know that if i don't cry, i will become violent.
i fight to become stronger but end up being weaker.
lol. so FOC isnt free-of-charge? haha. aniwae, i so dunno wad to say regarding yr long long entry. just, come back soon & update abt de sports camp! hope you had fun! (:
I also went to the FOC man. wow. small world. which group you're from?
fashionista: ahhaha. well, sports camp was a let down. and it is great to see you here. thanks and take care.
zhi yang: wow! it's great to see you here. i was in ELEANS! we rock. i also think that Val rocks. hahaha.
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