Sunday, June 19, 2005

The Last 3 Years Did Not Prepare Me For Poly

i feel so cheated. so deceived. so mislead. so tricked. damn it. an act of fraud has been commited and i'm the victim. however, i don't know who is the culprit. suspects have been indentified. the police called in. the CIA, FBI and the Secret Services are also itching to join the action.

i shall tell you my sob story. do cry because it is sob sad. tissues not provided.

my whole life, junior colleges have been known as the place where people drop out because of stress, work and blah. then poly is the alternative from that evil place, poly was known to be an oasis. where people go there and be happy. where there is no stress. where school was fun.

studying in the poly was said to be relaxed, enjoyable and fun. in my honest opinion, i thought it would be more relaxed than secondary school cause i felt a little stressed at times. my last 3 years of secondary school was without homework, projects and self-studying except when exams were near.

then i happily entered Ngee Ann Poly. school of business, Accountancy. thinking that it was easy mathematics, i slacked for the first 2 weeks, sleeping in lectures. oh, come on, how tough can the mathematics be in Accountancy. then the sad truth came, it wasn't totally about mathematics.

mathematics is like less than 10%. the deception. i had to learn rules like this and this goes under debit and this and this goes under credit. Na-Beh. so the first 2 weeks that i missed, i had to start from the beginning. read up on whatever i missed. so, Accountancy is not all about mathematics.(Lesson No.1)

then there were tutorials. i thought you waltz into the class then the tutors give a few questions and go through them. Na-Beh(2). after each lecture, you need to do your tutorials first then the tutors will go through them. now there is homework! HOMEWORK! i did not have homework for the last 3 years in secondary school. now i have homework! tons of it! (Lesson No.2)

with tutorials, come projects. PROJECTS! like get together(meetings) and discuss about nonsense. which means working with people and again, for the last 3 years in secondary school, there were no P*******. i dislike working with people. seriously. i'm the kind that do projects the day before it needs to be handed up. i don't like working with people because chances are, they can't be lazier than me. i'm lazy. i don't like tidying up my room because logic tells me it'll get messy again. P*******. 2 now.(Lesson No.3)

my classmates. boy do i love them so much. for the last 3 years in secondary school, it was the all for 1 and 1 for all situation. 1 don't do homework, all don't do. nobody does homework anyway. with my new found classmates, they ALL do HOMEWORK! leaving me to be the odd one out and frankly speaking, i'm running out of excuses to tell the tutors. they don't sleep during lectures. we normally sit in the first few rows. they listen to the lecturer as though their reciting beautiful poetry. my classmates are HARDWORKING and so do i need to be.(Lesson No.4)

i've got this feeling that i need to change. i need to be like my classmates. but then, when i be like them, i lose my individuality, my style and my laziness. damn. guess i really need to change and forget about the last 3 years in secondary school.

argh! the deception.



Blogger × daFashionista × said...

i dun think you will lose your individuality when you become hardworking.
i mean, you will graduate from poly with a diploma while you graduated from sec sch with an o level cert?
haha. you know wad i mean? you pay for wad you get la.
hahahaha. fight for it k? (:

11:39 PM  
Blogger Christine said...

lols. just bia laah. if not u'll lose out.

4:49 PM  
Blogger jimbo said...

fashionista: *clap clap* wah. super great advice. maybe you should change to "da smart fashionista" haha. take care

june: arh! please don't scare me again. it does? wow. can't wait for that to happen. you better train hard and take care of yourself. drink lots of water. take care.

kris: what is bia? books idiots (throw) away? haha. thanks for popping by here, get motivation from me. my life is always worse than anybody's so yeah. that someone who is always doing worse is me. haha. take care.

9:06 PM  
Blogger victoria said...

be the next steve jobs.
doesnt work in singapore dude.

9:09 PM  
Blogger jimbo said...

vic: you got that article from me! haha. good idea. but doesn't work in singapore. take care.

10:18 PM  

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