Saturday, March 05, 2005

Left Lid Jumping.

woke up today at 9.30am cause my dad says that everyone in my family(except my mother) must wake up by 9.30am even if you have nothing to do. the rule is that you must be awake. weird and strange but what to do he'll cut $10 from my allowance for 1 day that i wake up past that time. then my allowance only $200 a month. stinking gahment and dad now. so i woke up then later at 11am went to sleep beside my mom.( get those dirty thoughts out of your mind ) woke up and my left eye lid kept jumping, even while i'm typing this entry, it is still jumping. ronnie says it is good luck, hopefully. although i got this feeling that it is something bad and ronnie is just lying to keep me oblivious of the disastrous events that are about to happen. maybe something like this.

soon, i'm going with my dad to help him with his work. actually, not help but do his work. not bad eh ? i have a dad that makes use of me. at least i got some use that he wants to make of. how bout you ? your parents want to make use of you a not ? huh huh ? damn i'm making it sound like i love being made used of. fuck. i really don't want to go. i'll miss survivor. the only english television program that i watch on the tv. cause the rest like the O.C. and One Tree Hill, i watch it on my com as singabloodypore is so slow in bringing it over. thank you god of internet! btw, the wb is coming up with some new show called the Starlet and i think this girl is hott. notice i don't use the word cute ? because cute is used to describe my shit.

Reader : WTF ?! your shit is CUTE ?! don't FUCKING LIE !

seriously, it is, let me explain why. when i pass out shit waste materials normally it is just 1 big piece of junk which is still cute if your sick. however sometimes it forms shapes. for eg. my shit formed the alphaberts H and B. i HAVE pictures. i swear to god/on my whole families lives that i did not edit them or arrange them. i just pass them out and they formed that shape. the other time i passed out a D, my stinking beloved elder sister deleted the picture because she don't like it. then the artistic side of me got furious and i told her to return the $100 i paid for the cam. she said no and i said then you apologise for deleting my cute artistic picture.

elder sister : OK ! I'M SORRY ! IT IS MY FAULT ! I'M SORRY K ?! I'M SORRY ! ( all these done with her hands lifted up and in an extremely sarcastic manner, )

Me : ( smiles, which irritates her more. )



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